When the going gets rough the Rough grab a joke
now that hair hat is faltering, he’s become a walking joke. and it will follow that his “base”….the Bitters….will be the BUTT of the talk show hosts. how many Tulsa supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 6,200. .the other 993,800 didn’t show up.
donnie t ‘ Rump making a strong and powerful statement...............’hey, who cut one.”
NO JOKE: Donald “XXXL golf shirt” t’RUMP told his foursome on the 12 th hole that the reason he doesn’t get the corona is that his beautiful russian escorts gave him a strong and powerful GOLDEN SHOWER over the bed in moscow’s Obama suite. “and the famous Siberian Spray has tremendous immune properties.” alas the caddie who was raking the sand trap and overheard it bolted ,fearing security would throw his body into the ocean. His leak to the dark web was his protection. but no one has heard from him in 2 weeks.
what did the zombies say when they saw donald trump at a maga rally?
LET’s EAT ……dibs on the butt
why would trumpty dumpty suggest bleach to cure the corona??
cuz it works great on his hair.
Mushmouth Mitch eating salt water taffy.
why did the chicken cross the road ???? cuz he was afraid donnie trump would humiliate him …
Corona Blues?? send some laffs
UPDATE BIG JOKES….the tic tok prank on trump tulsa’s huge overflow rally….colin kaepernick and roger godell…MARY TRUMP , JOHN joke….the world laughs out loud at trump’ and his clown gang……..Melania’s“smile!”smirk….haha,hoho,heehee,yukyuk. ol man trump’s ramp walking...roger stonehead’s shaped cranium….Harvey weinstein starts getting flooded with vaseline….the prison lottery for the First Pork Butt on Harvey .cost: a pack of cigarettes…..